Alphabet Animals make unique personalized gifts for babies and children (and even the occasional adult or pet). Edie Allen creates little paper animals – bears, cats, dogs, elephants, hamsters, mice, monkeys, pandas, penguins pigs and rabbits- and gives them familiar objects to illustrate a child’s name. All Alphabet Animals are framed, custom-made works of art.
Alphabet Animals are available as Name Signs, with an animal illustrating each letter of a child’s name…

NOAH – N for notes, O for overalls, A for alligator, H for hat

GRACE – G for Guitar, R for Rake, A for Artist, C for Carrot, E for Elephant
…or as Initials with a single large letter and the child’s name in smaller letters. Look carefully at the patterns on the animals’ shirts. Initials can also include things that do not begin with the letter. Alex’s bear is wearing a Mets uniform. The customer who ordered Serena’s Initial plays the ukulele.
Initials without names are a smaller gift with a shorter turnaround time.